Monday, May 19, 2008

Just to bring you guys up to speed, we had a good day racing with two thirds on Saturday and as Tom likes to say, "The wind came up and the wheels came off!". Race number three found us on our ear and had us thinking that Christine had a broken arm. Christine, glad to hear that it is not broken! Remember RICE; rest, ice, compression, elevation.
But all that is really not the point of this e-mail. No, Jen, this is about you. It all started about a week after the Ski-Sail, when a movie lands in my inbox, if anyone hasn't seen it, watch it here, and be sure to check out the gallery, the still shot of Jen giving her skipper a "high-five" is my personal favorite. Then this weekend I pick up a Latitude 38 and see a photo of Jen on page 172. Fine, I can handle it. This morning, though, I'm at West Marine, and I'm thumbing through the catalog, and see a picture of a Melges, so I look closer, and sure enough it's sail number 248, BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE SAILOR IN THE FRAME!!! Blake, would you like to guess who that sailor is?
I missed you this weekend, Jen-Jen, it's not the same on the boat without you.
