Sunday, April 04, 2010

We slept in too late to rally for Easter mass in town. So we hung out the house until mid afternoon, then took the Teleferico (sort of like a two cabled gondola built by the Austrians) to Cerro Otto. Great views of the surrounding area.

This is looking NE from Cerro Otto. Bariloche city center is just visible at the middle of the right side.

This is looking west from Cerro Otto. Just visible at the top left corner is Tranador. We left the battery charger to our good camera at home (doh!) so are using the camera Naomi's Dad gave to Zoe. So these pictures have pretty bad contrast. Anyway, Tranador really looms up behind the rest of the mountains which you just can't sense from this picture. The Andes here are not really all that high (Tranador is only 11k) but they really jump up right out of the high(ish) plains.

If you click on the pictures, they get bigger

View from Cerro Otto looking north over Nahuel Huapi Playa Bonita (our house location) is just to the left of this picture. It's blowing like stink on the Lake today, you can see the lee behind the two islands.
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